How To Measure A Wig?

Apr 21, 2021 9:56:00 AM

How To Measure A Wig?

  It's challenging for most dark-skinned queens to choose the right virgin human  hair wig. Several factors should be taken into consideration like texture, style, and length. With the right information, you will find the perfect wig. In the article, we will put together a handy wig length guide to help you understand better how wigs are measured.

How To Measure A Wig

When you buy wigs, you may find that there are a variety of lengths for options, short, medium-length, and long length. But would you like to know what length means? The measurement listed on the wig is an approximation of where the hair on the unit will fall after it’s installed. To give you an idea, if the length is 16 inches, the hair will land about 16 inches from the top of the head.

1. As for straight hair wig

  Using a tape or a ruler to measure from the hair root on the top of your head all down to the end of your hair strands. That’s the exact wig length.

2. As for curly or wavy hair wig 

  Stretch the wig strands. Make sure it is as straight as possible. This will give you a more accurate measurement since curly or wavy hair looks much shorter than straight ones. While the hair is still stretched, measure the wig length from the roots on the crown of your head down to the bottom of the hair. There will be a more precise measurement if the hair was placed in a wig strand first. Curly hair wigs will appear 1 to 2 inches shorter than the actual length of hair strands because the hair has deeper curls throughout the length of the hair.

  As you can see from this picture below that the same wig length measurement varies in actual length depending on the hair texture. One inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters, which means that 16 inches equal to 40.64 centimeters. 20 inches is 50.8 centimeters long.

Curly hair wigs

Tips In Choosing The Perfect Wig Length

1. Match with your height

  The height should be taken into account while choosing the right length. If you are petite, choosing a long wig makes you look even shorter. But if you go for a short or mid-length wig, it will appear that you are taller than you are.

2. Suit your face shape

    It will look better than others for the women with a square face shape to wear short-length hair, like short bob wigs. If you have a diamond face shape, a mid or long-length wig with curls or waves will look better.

3. Balance your body structure

  The hair length you select can enhance your physical features positively or negatively. Some things to be considerd are the length of your neck and your torso. If your figure is tall and slim, then medium-length or longer hair will help you gain a more feminine look. However, it will look less charming if you select the too-short length. Identify your body structure and determine which length will look best.

4. Always go an inch longer

  Having the longer option is safe because you can always cut the extra inches off anyway. Dealing with unnatural, shorter wigs means having to sacrifice a few inches off your natural hair just to make ends meet. You wouldn't like that.

Change Up Your Look With West Kiss Hair     

  Wig length is as important as texture. The right wig length and texture can make you look gorgeous and elegant. Hope the tips above guide you to find out which hair length complements you the most.                                      

  At the West Kiss Hair Store, the luxurious 100virgin human hair wigs and bundles in various lengths are available. With a wide selection of wigs and hair bundles in different curl patterns and lengths, getting the perfect hairdo is effortless. Shop the right one at West Kiss Hair store and gain a fabulous look.

Posted in Hair Knowledge By admin admin